Saturday, October 10, 2009

wind in my hair

83% of my life sans vehicle is awesome. i use public trans.. which means.. no gas, no bills and no unexpected car issues.

however, the other 17% really stinks. there are days (like today) when i very much want to drive up and down the coast line.. and not in a rental car.. in MY car. my zippy little silver toyota coupe. sunroof open, windows down and music as loud as i can take it.

she and i have some amazing memories coasting through the plains of oklahoma and west texas; cruising the southern california coast line; riding through the flat lands and everglades of florida.

there were times i felt so free i buzzed with self-empowerment. i could use a taste of that right now.


  1. Ah Friend! I would love to take you for a drive!

  2. just a side note.. i was not finished writing this post and my sister called to ask if i would take her to the airport in her room mate's car. i got to take that drive after all. it was nice and well needed.

    visualization works.
